Friday, July 26, 2013

St Regis Deer Park - Day 5 continued

Sorry for the abrupt end on my last post, I ran out of room!

After nibbles drinks and lots of photos, we moved to the stables where there were beautifully set tables.  There were tables in the stalls, a long table down the middle and a couple at the end just outside.  Table by table we went to the buffet.  The food was amazing (are you sick of that word yet?).  It was all Utah produce, trout, beef and delicious salads, one contained goats cheese and lots of berries.

There was demountable toilets and they were incredible, they looked like a bathroom that would be in your home!  Very posh!

After dinner we moved to what looked like a big round yard that had a roof and wooden floor.  There were hay bales all around with covers and cushions and a couple of braziers that were lit.  Here we could get dessert, either Flaming Doughnuts with ice-cream or S'mores.  For the S'mores, you put a square of home made marshmallow on a toasting fork until it starts to melt and then you scrape it onto a sweet biscuit and add chocolate.  You then put another biscuit on top and eat.  It is a bit messy but yummy!

Then the band started and there were some amazing line dancers who did a demonstration and then taught us each dance.  It was a lot of fun but you got very hot.

I got to talk to the owner who said the property was 200 acres only big enough to be an expensive hobby.  They have 20 Angus cows, horses and ducks.  There were a couple of foals and they were so cute.  They hold a lot of functions there and a lot of weddings.

Sadly all too soon it was time to board the buses back to the hotel.  Tanya gave me a quick trim, handy to have your hairdresser on the same trip, and then we packed our bags ready for our 7:45am departure in the morning.  New York here we come!

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